Monday, September 17, 2012

Terms Page 5

Terms 5

  1. Public Domain: Free and NOT copyrighted.
  2. Search Engine: Web site or program that acts as a card catalog for the internet. Matches keywords with web pages.
  3. Secured Site: https:// locked padlock are 2 ways to identify a secured site. Encryption software is used to protect user information.
  4. Shareware: Copyrighted- free for a limited time. Trial Basis- if you want to keep it you must pay for it.
  5. Freeware: FREE and Copyrighted.
  6. License Agreement: A legal contract defining the ways to use the software or program.
  7. Site: A place on the internet or www made up of web pages. These pages can contain graphics, text, audio, and video.
  8. Title Bar: Displays name of webpage and program used.
  9. URL: Uniform Resource Locator. http://- Protocol, Domain name, /WORLD/- Pathname/filename.
  10. World Wide Web: www, A network of networks. millions of computers linked together to share information.

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